Saturday, November 3, 2007

Cultural Assimilation Is A Bad Thing?

Not this guy! Stuck in a prison and about to be deported, Francisco Castaneda had to have his penis amputated due to a severe bout of cancer. In a last-ditch effort to show that he's all about being an American, he decided to sue. "Government officials imposed a death sentence on Mr. Castaneda, without benefit of judge or jury, by their failure to provide a simple and inexpensive diagnostic procedure to rule out a life-threatening disease," said his attorney, Conal Doyle. The decision to sue was brought to Fransisco, who was rather surprised that you can do that here in the United States. "Really? I can sue for this? Wow! You know, I spilled some coffee on my lap a while back and it burned me really bad, can I sue for that too? I can! Awesome!"

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