Tuesday, November 6, 2007

ICE In Trouble Again

No, not Ice T, Ice Cube, or the man with the icy career Vanilla Ice, no we're talking about the Immigration and Customs Enforcement department's head Julie Myers. She was hosting a Halloween party when one of her guests dressed up in prison stripes, dreadlocks, and black face paint. Wen word got out that she not only let the guy have free booze, but also gave him a prize for "originality", she immediately backpedaled, apologizing for the "deeply offensive" costume and "regretting that it ever happened".

Racist humor tears at the very fabric of our society and divides us as a people... but only when white people do it. What's that smell? Oh! It's the pot of refried beans I'm making that I bought with food stamps that I don't deserve and welfare money that I mostly send to my family in Mexico. Viva La Racism!

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