Saturday, November 10, 2007

We Lost A Great American Today

Norman Mailer, American author, died today at age 84. Author of "The Naked and the Dead," "The Armies of the Night" and "The Executioner's Song," Mailer was also known for his brash personality, and for never backing down from a fight. He pissed off feminists by writing "Prisoner of Sex", and also, well, stabbing his second wife after a party. (That's actually true). Most of us know him from the articles we didn't read in Playboy, and when you go back and read them, you can tell that he knew what was going on.

"-- So as the sun sets on the mountains of Da Nang, I heard the whisper of our GI's, and they spoke to me... Wait, fuck it, no one's reading this shit anyway. Did you see the tits on the page 14 girl? Man! I would love to spray some of my napalm on that!"

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