Friday, November 9, 2007

This Day in American History

On November 9th, 1862, Union General Ambrose Burnside assumes command of the Army of the Potomac, after George B. McClellan is removed. This would be the general's calling card, and an important part of American fashion history. Gen. Burnside was known for having an extreme mustache, and the term "sideburns" came from him. Here's an excerpt from his 1875 biography "Fuck, Wars Suck Ass".

"I grew this stache' back in the 40's, thinking it would get me some pussy, and it worked! Girls would be like 'Mmm, that facial hair makes me want to turn into a harlot, wanna see some of my ankle?' Boom! Next thing you know, I was fisting her anus. That's where I really got the term 'sideburn', cause' I'd fist them so hard it would burn up their insides. I don't know who changed the term to be about hair on the side of your head, I think that's gay."

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