Monday, November 5, 2007

This Day in American History

On November 5th, 1979, the Ayatollah Khomeini declares the USA to be "the great Satan" after taking hostages at the US Embassy just a day earlier. Here's a transcript of the meeting between the Ayatollah and his top adviser before the declaration.

Ayatollah: Man, I think I wrapped this towel on too tight --
Adviser: Your greatness, I have your prepared speech ready for you.
Ayatollah: Sweet! Lemmie see that... "The Great Satan"? I think that's bad grammar.
Adviser: Well, you will be speaking in Farsi, not English.
Ayatollah: Ah, good point... But I like "Country of Fat Homo Bitch-Fucks" better.
Adviser: ... Um... Okay, well, this will stir up more anger within the fundamentalist community.
Ayatollah: Really? "The Great Satan"? I guess you're right. Get the Jimmy Carter effigies ready, we're about to start a Greehad on these mother --
Adviser: -- It's "Jihad", sire.
Ayatollah: Whatever.

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