Thursday, November 1, 2007

This Day in American Birthdays

1808 - John Taylor, one of the founding fathers... of the Church of Latter-Day Saints. Known for coming up with the idea of making his people ride around on bikes and annoy the crap out of Americans.
1942 - Larry Flynt, American magazine publisher, and mortal enemy of the institution mentioned above.
1949 - Michael D. Griffin (pictured), NASA chief administrator. Known for being a barrel of laughs around the clean room.
1957 - Lyle Lovett, American singer. Creepy creepy creepy.
1958 - Charlie Kaufman, American screenwriter. Brillant brillant brillant.
1975 - Bo Bice, American singer, and barely worth mentioning.
1979 - Coco Crisp, American baseball player, and breakfast cereal spokesperson.

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