Monday, July 2, 2007

This Day in American History

On July 2nd, 1937 Amelia Earhart and navigator Fred Noonan disappear over the Pacific Ocean while attempting to make the first equatorial round-the-world flight.

This set the women's movement back a couple of decades as new laws were enacted across the country. The "Bitches Can't Do Shit" act hit the congressional debate. Sen. George McGill (D - Kansas), bellowed on the floor of the Senate; "See! I told you that women should only be baking pies and making kids. If they keep killing themselves trying to do things that too complicated, like flying planes or voting, we won't have a society anymore! And don't get me started on the blacks." The measure passed and was put on the desk of Franklin Roosevelt, who had to veto it after his wife, and woman activist Eleanor Roosevelt, said; "Do you like my pussy? Because if you pass that act, you ain't getting no play, homie".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eleanor was rumored to be a lezbo. He probably wasn't getting the pussy anyway.