Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tired Of Facts? Try Conservapedia!

Unlike it's counterpart, Wikipedia, Conservapedia is the online encyclopedia for people who want the truth. Here, people can trust that the information they are getting has been filtered through the sifter of The Conservapedia Commandments, letting the nuggets of truth spill out into it's pan of glory.

Like it's article on Homosexuality which it defines as "an immoral sexual lifestyle between members of the same sex. It is more than simply a sexual act, it is going beyond the boundaries that God has setup for marriage; one man and one woman." Also making sure that the general scope of knowledge is as good, if not superior to Wikipedia, Conservapedia weeds out the filler. Take it's article on Cats. Wikipedia has waaaay too much stuff in its article while Conservapedia keeps it nice and simple.

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