Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Investigative Study: The Navy Seals

As most of you have noticed, I have been absent for the past couple of days. But alas, I was out getting the goods on one of the most elite teams of killers in the United States... The Navy SEALs.

I was invited to join them during their grueling training, and found out one conclusive fact about it... it's really, really hard.

On to the next thing. I went out on a recon mission to [censored] with the Seals to see them in action. After infiltrating [censored] and assassinating the King of [censored] we [censored] and [censored] Then I was like "Ow! My [censored]!" The Seals laughed at me. Then we [censored] I didn't mind the blood, she was still hot.

What I found was that our county is safer with this elite team of soldiers, and I will never, never, ever become a Navy SEAL.

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