Saturday, June 16, 2007

This Day in American History

On June 16th, 1967, hippies converged on Monterey California for the Monterey Pop Festival. A set list of the hottest bands at the time playing in an outdoor "festival" setting. This would be the blueprint for future outdoor festivals, and etch the names of legends like Jimi Hendrix and Janice Joplin into history.

Unlike future outdoor festivals, Monterey was not for profit. This illustrated the idyllic notion that "things can be done just because of love and harmony, man... I have the munchies", stated festival organizer Lou Adler. There were no injuries, no deaths, and the The Monterey Deputy Chief of Police was quoted as saying "We've had more trouble at PTA conventions, those fucking whorebag moms can go nuts over the stupids things. 'Tater tots' and 'non-toxic this and that'. Cunts. "

Since then, like anything else influenced by the 60's outdoor festivals became corrupt and fraught with problems. Woodstock in 1969 had one death and several injuries, Live Aid in 1985 overcharged it's concert goers with signs like "what? $10 is too much for water? At least you have water, asshole". And Lest we forget Woodstock 1999, where women were raped, a riot ensued, and the most evil thing of them all, Limp Bizkit played.

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