Wednesday, June 20, 2007

This Day in American History: And A Conversation

On June 20th, 1963, after a tense standoff with the Soviet Union, the "Red Telephone" was established to provide a link between the White House and Moscow.

This is the actual conversation between President John F. Kennedy and Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev right after everything had calmed down.

JK: Man! That was close!
NK: I know! What the fuck is wrong with us? I mean, we could have ended the world!
JK: Haha, yeah. Whew! That would have sucked for you guys.
NK: ...What?
JK: You know, I mean, you guys are strong and all, but co'mon.
NK: What are you trying to say?
JK: Nothing! Just that... In the conflict that we avoided, we would have totally won.
NK: WHAT? You're puny country would have totally lost! We got warheads you don't even know about!
JK: Like what?
NK: I'm not gonna say anything, but Canada's flag is mostly red.
JK: Oh no you didn't!
NK: Try me!
JK: That's it, I got the button right here!
NK: Do it!

(after this, the transmission was cut short).

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