"These words [“under God”] will remind Americans that despite our great physical strength we must remain humble, at least until an opposing godless side challenges us to anything. Whether it be weapons technology or Ice Hockey, we'll show them who's cock is bigger!" He then proceeded to thrust his hips towards the podium. "Just like that! Yeah! I'm gonna shoot some Democracy all over your chest Russia!" Not used to the idea of Television, Eisenhower's advisers had to hold him back as his antics were aired on national TV.
Since then, the Godless have tried many times to take the phrase "Under God" out of the pledge of alliance. One pioneer of of the anti-god movement stated "I believe that our kids should not have to say the phrase 'under god' if they do not believe in god." The counterpoint was; "What the fuck? You 'believe'?? You're a dirty atheist! You don't believe in anything!". So the phrase stayed.
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