In 1968, Presidential Hopeful Robert Kennedy was shot by Sirhan Sirhan in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Even though Sirhan claimed to not remember any of it, his motivations seemed to be Kennedy's support of Israel.
Little is known about the altercation between Kennedy and Sirhan, but recently uncovered witness testimony states that they might have had some words before Kennedy was shot.
As Kennedy was led through the crowded kitchen, he was getting "rather pissy" says Humberto Gonzales, a bus boy at the hotel. "He was like, 'get out of my way, when I'm president, I'll nuke this fucking dump!' He was an ass." As Kennedy was being pushed, a man got in his way. "Sirhan was visiting and was staying at the hotel." One of the hotel clerks later said in an interview. "He was kind of smelly and loud, always ranting about his grandma being run over by an American tank. We just laughed at continued eating our ham sandwiches." Sirhan was trying to get out of Kennedy's way, when Kennedy lost it. He pushed Sirhan and yelled; "I said get the fuck outta my way, you fucking towelhead!" Sirhan, being a crazy Muslim, decided to challenge Robert Kennedy in a fight.
The crowd opened up, and one of Kennedy's campaign advisers handed him his nun-chucks, while Sirhan pulled out two Sais. The fight was brutal as both displayed "a level of martial arts I haven't seen since FDR did a wheelchair roundhouse to sweep Thomas Dewey into the White House 'pit-of-spikes'." Said former Secretary of Defense Robert MacNamara. As the battle climaxed, Kennedy had an ace up his sleeve. One of his advisers took aim and fired a revolver, but Sirhan, seeing the gun aimed at him, quickly flipped Kennedy on top of him, thus Kennedy took the bullet.
The second Kennedy death in a decade shook the nation, and the world of mix martial arts. As Kennedy lay bleeding on the floor, watching his staff drug Sirhan and plant the gun on him, his last words were; "And I never got to do two girls at once".
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